30 January, 2017

Martyrs’ Day

Thy glasses now gather dust, that once gave us clear vision,
Your woven dreams, a fashion, which then adorned the nation,
Your idol, a weapon now crazy, ideals so selfishly chosen,
Morals decorate the walls, essence conveniently forgotten.

Your words, now a caged artwork, which shook confinement mighty,
Quotes stud the chattering that once roared the skies lofty,
We lost your hard-earned sovereign, in sheer ignorance and frenzy,
We made a mere brand out of you, to quench our thirst, nasty.

You lived the sacrifice until death, we just chant definition,
Utterly ashamed we are, even to submit a confession,
Trapped we are in a quagmire, leeches sucking the nation,
Help us, O Souls Supreme, bless us with reincarnation.

Death Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

(Select lines from my English poetry book)
