Women crushed in wombs and in the open, humanity laid on the pyre,
Mere effigies burned each year, thoughts do still
Evil sucking good and pure, laughing out loud, an indecent satire,
Glorious once upon a time, the nation gasps in an endless
Masters continue to snore, the economy stuck in a tangle,
Money continues to bully, truth lynched by muscle,
Cruel roams around fearless, continues to bleed the gentle,
But a handful of souls humane, carry on fighting the
Allow them to cross ‘Maryada’, but to
become ‘Purushottama’,
May each beat be gallant, valiant be
their ‘Karma’,
Each act divine, define the real essence
of ‘Dharma’,
To bring back the splendour again, Bless those souls, O Rama.
■ Wishing all readers a
very happy Vijaya-Dashmi.
(‘Vijaya-Dashmi’ is an Indian festival.)
Readers may also like: (Hindi poetry) https://jsrachalwar.blogspot.com/2016/10/blog-post_10.html
(Select lines from my English poetry book)