18 May, 2022

• The Quest

Unfulfilled desires were plenty, and were distressing indeed,
But inspired me to move on, to cruise and to succeed.

Pleasing gestures and smiles, made me forget the pain,
Sparked the courage within, to bear the brunt and to sustain.

Occasionally I got drenched in the content of achieved ambitions,
Aroused hidden vigour too, the shattered dreams and frustrations.

Sometimes I ignored a vocal truth, believed in the lies unspoken,
Oblivious to honest promises, I relied on the assurance broken.

Teachings guided my thoughts, paved the way to proceed,
Wisdom kept the courage within, judged my ability to lead.

Every so often I have failed, to fathom the deepness of relations,
Only to find my existence, scattered in the storm of emotions.

Endless search for joyous, pursuit for serene is unending,
Life breaths relentlessly, to keep the quest unceasing.

(Select lines from my English poetry book)

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